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This documentation is for version 0.6.0 of nng, but the latest released version is v1.10.0. see the documentation for v1.10.0 for the most up-to-date information.


#include <nng/transport/ipc/ipc.h>

int nng_ipc_register(void);


The nng_ipc transport provides communication support between nng sockets within different processes on the same host. For POSIX platforms, this is implemented using UNIX domain sockets. For Windows, this is implemented using Windows Named Pipes. Other platforms may have different implementation strategies.


The ipc transport is generally built-in to the nng core, so no extra steps to use it should be necessary.

URI Format

This transport uses URIs using the scheme ipc://, followed by a an absolute path name in the file system where the socket or named pipe should be created.

On Windows, all names are prefixed by \.\pipe\ and do not occupy the normal file system. On POSIX platforms, the path is taken literally, and is relative to the root directory.

Socket Address

When using an nng_sockaddr structure, the actual structure is of type nng_sockaddr_ipc. This is a struct type with the following definition:

#define NNG_AF_IPC 2 (1)
#define NNG_MAXADDRLEN 128

typedef struct {
    // ... (2)
    uint16_t sa_family;                 // must be NNG_AF_IPC
    char     sa_path[NNG_MAXADDRLEN];   // arbitrary "path"
    // ...
} nng_sockaddr_ipc;
1 The values of these macros may change, so applications should avoid depending upon their values and instead use them symbolically.
2 Other members may be present, but only those listed here are suitable for application use.

The sa_family member will have the value NNG_AF_IPC. The sa_path member is an ASCIIZ string, and may contain any legal path name (platform-dependent), terminated by a NUL byte.

Transport Options

The ipc transport has no special options.[1]


1. Options for security attributes and credentials are planned.
NNG Reference Manual v0.6.0 © 2019 Staysail Systems, Inc, © 2018 Capitar IT Group BV
This document is supplied under the MIT License.
nanomsg™ and nng™ are trademarks of Garrett D'Amore.