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This documentation is for version 0.6.0 of nng, but the latest released version is v1.10.0. see the documentation for v1.10.0 for the most up-to-date information.


#include <nng/nng.h>

int nng_listener_setopt(nng_listener l, const char *opt, const void *val,
    size_t valsz);
int nng_listener_setopt_int(nng_listener l, const char *opt, int ival);
int nng_listener_setopt_ms(nng_listener l, const char *opt, nng_duration dur);
int nng_listener_setopt_ptr(nng_listener l, const char *opt, void *ptr);
int nng_listener_setopt_size(nng_listener l, const char *opt, size_t z);
int nng_listener_setopt_string(nng_listener l, const char *opt, const char *str);
int nng_listener_setopt_uint64(nng_listener l, const char *opt, uint64_t u64);


The nng_listener_setopt() functions are used to configure options for the listener l. The actual options that may be configured in this way vary, and are documented in the nng_setopt(3) manual. Additionally some transport-specific options are documented with the transports themselves.

In all of these forms, the option opt is configured on the listener l.

The details of the type, size, and semantics of the option will depend on the actual option, and will be documented with the option itself.

The first form of this function, nng_listener_setopt(), can be used to configure any arbitrary data. The val pointer addresses the data to copy, and valsz is the size of the objected located at val.

Generally, it will be easier to use one of the typed forms instead.

The second form, nng_listener_setopt_int(), is for options which take an integer (or boolean). The ival is passed to the option. For booleans pass either 0 (false) or 1 (true).

The third form, nng_listener_setopt_ms(), is used to configure time durations (such as timeouts). The duration dur is an integer number of milliseconds. (The special value NNG_DUR_INFINITE means an infinite amount of time.)

The fourth form, nng_listener_setopt_ptr(), is used to pass a pointer ptr to structured data. The data referenced by ptr is generally managed by other functions. For example, TLS configuration objects (nng_tls_config_alloc(3)) can be passed this way. Note that this form is somewhat special in that the object is generally not copied, but instead the pointer to the object is copied.

The fifth form, nng_listener_setopt_size(), is used to pass a size specified by z, typically for buffer sizes, message maximum sizes, and similar options.

The sixth form, nng_listener_setopt_string(), is used to pass a string str. Strings passed this way must be legal UTF-8 or ASCII strings, terminated with a NUL (\0) byte. (Other constraints may apply as well, see the documentation for opt for details.)

The seventh form, nng_listener_setopt_uint64(), is used to configure the 64-bit unsigned value in u64. This is typically used for options related to identifiers, network numbers, and similar.

Once a listener has started, it is generally not possible to change it’s configuration.


This function returns 0 on success, and non-zero otherwise.



Parameter l does not refer to an open listener.


The value being passed is invalid.


The option opt is not supported.


The option opt is read-only.


The listener l is already started.

NNG Reference Manual v0.6.0 © 2019 Staysail Systems, Inc, © 2018 Capitar IT Group BV
This document is supplied under the MIT License.
nanomsg™ and nng™ are trademarks of Garrett D'Amore.