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This documentation is for version 0.6.0 of nng, but the latest released version is v1.10.0. see the documentation for v1.10.0 for the most up-to-date information.


#include <nng/protocol/pubsub0/sub.h>

int nng_sub0_open(nng_socket *s);


The nng_sub protocol is one half of a publisher/subscriber pattern. In this pattern, a publisher sends data, which is broadcast to all subscribers. The subscribing applications only see the data to which they have subscribed.

The nng_sub protocol is the subscriber side, and the nng_pub(7) protocol is the publisher side.

In this implementation, the publisher delivers all messages to all subscribers. The subscribers maintain their own subscriptions, and filter them locally. Thus, this pattern should not be used in an attempt to reduce bandwidth consumption.

The topics that subscribers subscribe to is just the first part of the message body. Applications should construct their messages accordingly.

Socket Operations

The nng_sub0_open() call creates a subscriber socket. This socket may be used to receive messages, but is unable to send them. Attempts to send messages will result in NNG_ENOTSUP.

Protocol Versions

Only version 0 of this protocol is supported. (At the time of writing, no other versions of this protocol have been defined.)

Protocol Options

The following protocol-specific options are available.


This option registers a topic that the subscriber is interested in. The option is write-only, and takes an array of bytes, of arbitrary size. Each incoming message is checked against the list of subscribed topics. If the body begins with the entire set of bytes in the topic, then the message is accepted. If no topic matches, then the message is discarded.

To receive all messages, an empty topic (zero length) can be used.

This option, also read-only, removes a topic from the subscription list. Note that if the topic was not previously subscribed to with NNG_OPT_SUB_SUBSCRIBE then an NNG_ENOENT error will result.

Protocol Headers

The nng_sub protocol has no protocol-specific headers.


NNG Reference Manual v0.6.0 © 2019 Staysail Systems, Inc, © 2018 Capitar IT Group BV
This document is supplied under the MIT License.
nanomsg™ and nng™ are trademarks of Garrett D'Amore.