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This documentation is for version v1.2.2 of nng, but the latest released version is v1.8.0. see the documentation for v1.8.0 for the most up-to-date information.


#include <nng/nng.h>

int nng_listener_start(nng_listener l, int flags);


The nng_listener_start() function starts the listener l.

This causes the listener to bind to the address it was created with, and to start accepting connections from remote dialers. Each new connection results in an nng_pipe object, which will be attached to the listener’s socket.

The flags argument is ignored, but reserved for future use.

Once a listener has started, it is generally not possible to change its configuration.


This function returns 0 on success, and non-zero otherwise.



Parameter l does not refer to an open listener.


The listener l is already started.

NNG Reference Manual vv1.2.2 © 2019 Staysail Systems, Inc, © 2018 Capitar IT Group BV
This document is supplied under the MIT License.
nanomsg™ and nng™ are trademarks of Garrett D'Amore.