Asynchronous Operations

In order to obtain significant scalability, with low-latency, and minimal overheads, NNG supports performing operations asynchronously.

One way that applications can perform work asynchronously and concurrently is by using threads, but threads carry significant resource overheads and frequently there are limits on the number that can easily be created.

Additionally, with most network applications, the flow of execution will spend the bulk of its time waiting for traffic from a peer.

For these kinds of applications, it is far more efficient to use asynchronous operations using the mechanisms described in this chapter.


To get the highest performance with the least overhead, applications should use asynchronous operations described in this chapter whenever possible.

Asynchronous I/O Handle

typedef struct nng_aio nng_aio;

An nng_aio is an opaque structure used in conjunction with asynchronous I/O operations. Every asynchronous operation uses one of these structures, each of which can only be used with a single operation at a time.

Asynchronous operations are performed without blocking calling application threads. Instead the application registers a callback function to be executed when the operation is complete (whether successfully or not). This callback will be executed exactly once.

The asynchronous I/O framework also supports cancellation of operations that are already in progress as well setting a maximum timeout for them to complete.

It is also possible to initiate an asynchronous operation, and wait for it to complete, creating a synchronous flow from an asynchronous one.

Create Handle

nng_err nng_aio_alloc(nng_aio **aiop, void (*callb)(void *), void *arg);

The nng_aio_alloc function creates an nng_aio object, with the callback callb taking the argument arg, and returns it in aiop.

If this succeeds, the function returns zero. Otherwise it may return NNG_ENOMEM.


The arg should normally be a structure that contains a pointer to the aiop, or from which it can be located. This allows callb to check the handle for success using nng_aio_result, as well access other properties of aiop.


The callb may be executed on another thread, so it may be necessary to use synchronization methods in callb to avoid data races.

Destroy Handle

void nng_aio_free(nng_aio *aio);
void nng_aio_reap(nng_aio *aio);

The nng_aio_free handle destroys the handle aio, waiting for any operations and associated callbacks to complete before doing so.

The nng_aio_reap handle destroys the handle aio asynchronously, using a reaper thread to do so. It does not wait for the object to be destroyed. Thus this function is safe to call from aio’s own callback.


The nng_aio_free function must never be called from an aio callback. Use nng_aio_reap instead if an object must be destroyed from a callback.


void nng_aio_abort(nng_aio *aio, nng_err err);
void nng_aio_cancel(nng_aio *aio);
void nng_aio_stop(nng_aio *aio);

These functions are used to stop a previously submitted asynchronous I/O operation. The operation may be canceled, or may continue to completion. If no operation is in progress (perhaps because it has already completed), then these operations have no effect. If the operation is successfully canceled or aborted, then the callback will still be called.

The nng_aio_abort function aborts the operation associated with aio and returns immediately without waiting. If cancellation was successful, then nng_aio_result will return err.

The nng_aio_cancel function acts like nng_aio_abort, but uses the error code NNG_ECANCELED.

The nng_aio_stop function aborts the aio operation with NNG_ESTOPPED, and then waits the operation and any associated callback to complete. This function also marks aio itself permanently stopped, so that any new operations scheduled by I/O providers using nng_aio_start return false. Thus this function should be used to teardown operations.


When multiple asynchronous I/O handles are in use and need to be deallocated, it is safest to stop all of them using nng_aio_stop, before deallocating any of them with nng_aio_free, particularly if the callbacks might attempt to reschedule further operations.

Set Timeout

void nng_aio_set_timeout(nng_aio *aio, nng_duration timeout);
void nng_aio_set_expire(nng_aio *aio, nng_time expiration);

The nng_aio_set_timeout function sets a timeout for the asynchronous operation associated with aio. This causes a timer to be started when the operation is actually started. If the timer expires before the operation is completed, then it is aborted with an error of NNG_ETIMEDOUT. The timeout duration is specified as a relative number of milliseconds.

If the timeout is NNG_DURATION_INFINITE, then no timeout is used. If the timeout is NNG_DURATION_DEFAULT, then a “default” or socket-specific timeout is used. (This is frequently the same as NNG_DURATION_INFINITE.)

The nng_aio_set_expire function is similar to nng_aio_set_timeout, but sets an expiration time based on the system clock. The expiration time is a clock timestamp, such as would be returned by nng_clock.

Wait for Completion

void nng_aio_wait(nng_aio *aio);

The nng_aio_wait function waits for an asynchronous I/O operation to complete. If the operation has not been started, or has already completed, then it returns immediately.

If a callback was set with aio when it was allocated, then this function will not be called until the callback has completed.


The nng_aio_wait function should never be called from a function that itself is a callback of an nng_aio, either this one or any other. Doing so may result in a deadlock.

Test for Completion

bool nng_aio_busy(nng_aio *aio);

The nng_aio_busy function returns true if the aio is currently busy performing an operation or is executing a completion callback. Otherwise it return false. This is the same test used internally by nng_aio_wait.


The caller is responsible for coordinating any use of this with any reuse of the aio. Because the aio can be reused use of this function can be racy.

Result of Operation

nng_err nng_aio_result(nng_aio *aio);
size_t nng_aio_count(nng_aio *aio);

The nng_aio_result function returns the result of the operation associated with the handle aio. If the operation was successful, then 0 is returned. Otherwise a non-zero error code, such as NNG_ECANCELED or NNG_ETIMEDOUT, is returned.

For operations that transfer data, nng_aio_count returns the number of bytes transferred by the operation associated with the handle aio. Operations that do not transfer data, or do not keep a count, may return zero for this function.


The return value from these functions is undefined if the operation has not completed yet. Either call these from the handle’s completion callback, or after waiting for the operation to complete with nng_aio_wait.


nng_msg *nng_aio_get_msg(nng_aio *aio);
void nng_aio_set_msg(nng_aio *aio, nng_msg *msg);

The nng_aio_get_msg and nng_aio_set_msg functions retrieve and store a message in aio. For example, if a function to receive data is called, that function can generally be expected to store a message on the asssociated aio, for the application to retrieve with nng_aio_get_msg. Conversely an application desiring to send a message msg will store it in the aio using nng_aio_set_msg. The function implementing the send operation will retrieve the message and arrange for it to be sent.

Message Ownership

For send or transmit operations, the rule of thumb is that implementation of the operation is responsible for taking ownership of the message (and releasing resources when it is complete), if it will return success. If the operation will end in error, then the message will be retained and it is the consuming application’s responsibility to dispose of the message. This allows an application the opportunity to reuse the message to try again, if it so desires.

For receive operations, the implementation of the operation will set the message on the aio on success, and the consuming application hasa responsibility to retrieve and dispose of the message. Failure to do so will leak the message. If the operation does not complete successfully, then no message is stored on the aio.

I/O Vector

typedef struct nng_iov {
    void * iov_buf;
    size_t iov_len;

int nng_aio_set_iov(nng_aio *aio, unsigned int niov, nng_iov *iov);

For some operations, the unit of data transferred is not a message, but rather a stream of bytes.

For these operations, an array of niov nng_iov structures can be passed to the nng_aio_set_iov function to provide a scatter/gather array of elements describing the location (iov_buf) and length (iov_len) of data, to transfer.

The iov vector is copied into storage in the aio itself, so that callers may use stack allocated nng_iov structures. The values pointed to by the iov_buf members are not copied by this function though.

A maximum of four (4) nng_iov members may be supplied.


Most functions using nng_iov do not guarantee to transfer all of the data that they are requested to. To be sure that correct amount of data is transferred, as well as to start an attempt to complete any partial transfer, check the amount of data transferred by calling nng_aio_count.

Inputs and Outputs

void nng_aio_set_input(nng_aio *aio, unsigned int index, void *param);
void *nng_aio_get_output(nng_aio *aio, unsigned int index);

Asynchronous operations can take additional input parameters, and provide additional result outputs besides the result code.

The nng_aio_set_input function sets the input parameter at index to param for the operation associated with aio.

The nng_aio_get_output function returns the output result at index for the operation associated with aio.

The type and semantics of input parameters and output results are determined by specific operations. The documentation for the operation should provide details.

The valid values of index range from zero (0) to three (3), as no operation currently defined can accept more than four parameters or return more than four additional results.


If the index does not correspond to a defined input for the operation, then nng_aio_set_input will have no effect, and nng_aio_get_output will return NULL.


It is an error to call this function while the aio is currently in use by an active asynchronous operation.

Scatter Gather Vectors

typedef struct nng_iov {
	void  *iov_buf;
	size_t iov_len;
} nng_iov;

void nng_aio_set_iov(nng_aio *aio, unsigned nio, const nng_iov *iov);

Some asynchronous operations, such as those dealing with streams, use scatter or gather vectors, where data to be transferred is either gathered from multiple separate regions of memory, or scattered into separate regions of memory. For example a message may have a header located at one location in memory, and a payload located in another.

The nng_aio_set_iov function configures the aio to use nio separate segments, described by the elements in iov. For each of these, the segment of size iov_len located at iov_buf will be used.

The elements of iov will be copied into aio, so the vector may be located on the stack or another temporary location. The locations referenced by it, must remain valid for the duration of the operation, of course.

Note that many of these operations are not guaranteed to perform a full transfer of data, so even a successful operation should check the amount of data actually transferred using nng_aio_count, and if necessary resubmit the operation with a suitably updated vector of nng_iov using this function.

See Also

Synchronization, Threads, Streams, Time