Universal Resource Locators, or URLs for short, are a standardized way of representing a network resource, defined in RFC 1738, and RFC 3968.

In Scalability Protocols, this concept is extended, although it includes schemes that are not part of the IETF standards.

URL Structure

typedef struct nng_url nng_url;

const char *nng_url_scheme(const nng_url *url);
const char *nng_url_userinfo(const nng_url *url);
const char *nng_url_hostname(const nng_url *url);
uint32_t    nng_url_port(const nng_url *url);
const char *nng_url_path(const nng_url *url);
const char *nng_url_query(const nng_url *url);
const char *nng_url_fragment(const nng_url *url):

URL Fields

The nng_url_scheme function returns the scheme, without any colons or slashes. Values are lower case strings, like “http” or “inproc” or “tls+tcp4”.

The nng_url_userinfo function returns a string corresponding to the user component of a URL (the part before any @ sign) if such a component is present, otherwise it returns NULL.

The nng_url_hostname function returns a hostname (which might actually be an IP address) from the URL, if the URL corresponds to a scheme that uses hostnames (like “http” or “tcp”). If the URL does not (for example “inproc” or “ipc” URLs) then it returns NULL.

The nng_url_port function returns the TCP or UDP port number if the URL corresponds to a protocol based on TCP or UDP. It returns zero otherwise. Note that the port number might not have been explicitly specified in the URL. For example, the port number associated with “http://www.example.com” is 80, which is the standard port number for HTTP.


The port number returned by this is in the native machine byte order. Be careful when using this with other network-oriented APIs.

The nng_url_path function returns the path component of the URL. This will always be non-NULL, but it may be empty.

The nng_url_query and nng_url_fragment functions return the query-information (the part following a ‘?’) and fragment (the part following a ‘#’) if those components are present, or NULL if they are not. The returned string will not include the leading ‘?’ or ‘#’ characters.

Note that any strings returned by these functions are only valid until url is freed with nng_url_free.

Format a URL

int nng_url_sprintf(char *buf, size_t bufsz, const nng_url *url);

The nng_url_sprintf function formats the url to the buf, which must have bufsz bytes of free space associated with it.

This function returns the number of bytes formatted to buf, excludng the terminating zero byte, or if bufsz is too small, then it returns the number of bytes that would have been formatted if there was sufficient space. The semantics are similar to the snprintf function from C99.


If bufsz is 0, then buf can be NULL, and the return value can be used to determine the amount of space to allocate for a dynamically sized buffer.

Parse a URL

int nng_url_parse(nng_url **urlp, const char *str);

The nng_url_parse function parses a URL string (in str), and creates a dynamically allocated nng_url, returning it in urlp.


Only nng_url_free should be used to deallocate nng_url objects.

Clone a URL

int nng_url_clone(nng_url **dup, const nng_url *url);

The nng_url_clone function creates a copy of url, and returns it in dup.

Destroy a URL

void nng_url_free(nng_url *url);

The nng_url_free function destroy an nng_url object created with either nng_url_parse or nng_url_free.

This is the only correct way to destroy an nng_url object.

Update a URL Port

void nng_url_resolve_port(nng_url *url, uint32_t port);

In order to use dynamic port allocation, some transports and schemes allow a port number of zero to be specified. When this is done, the system will allocate a free port when the port is bound while starting a listener. Once this is done, the port number may need to be updated so that the URL can be used to configure a client. The nng_url_resolve_port function updates such a URL with a new port. This will have no effect if the URL already has a non-zero port number.

See Also

More information about Universal Resource Locators can be found in RFC 3986.